Today I’m very happy to share with my followers and the community the cutting-edge PHP framework for logistic regression that I was working on for almost 18 months day and night in collaboration with my friend Rachid who did an awesome job. B12 Framework represents a pivotal leap in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for logistics optimization. Meticulously crafted, rigorously tested, and refined through extensive real-world scenarios from predicting stock market, healthcare system and more the framework stands as a beacon of innovation in the logistics industry.

B12 is my favorite vitamin and also today has become my own and favorite framework I ever wrote, the purpose of B12 is to make PHP developers happy. We all know that there is a huge lack of AI frameworks based on PHP. The goal also is to encourage all developers to learn AI in general, and especially deep learning.

In the following example, I am using human healthcare data to predict whether someone can be diabetic or not.

$numFeatures = 3; // Age, BMI, Blood Pressure
$numClasses = 2; // 0: No diabetes, 1: Diabetes

$data = [
    [45, 25, 120],
    [30, 30, 140],
    [60, 28, 130],
    [50, 27, 135],
    // Add more patient data here

$labels = [0, 1, 1, 0]; // Example labels (0: No diabetes, 1: Diabetes)

$lr = new LogisticRegression($numFeatures, $numClasses);
$lr->train($data, $labels);

As you can see in the code based on our patient medical (Age, Diabetes) we can train our model so we can predict if he is diabetic or not.

// Input data for a new patient
$newPatientData = [55, 29, 128];
$predictions = $lr->predict($newPatientData);

// Interpret the predictions
if ($predictions[1] > 0.5) {
    echo "The patient is predicted to have diabetes.\n";
} else {
    echo "The patient is predicted to not have diabetes.\n";

By amine

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